A special court on Monday acquitted former Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Aakash Vijayvargiya, son of powerful Madhya Pradesh minister Kailash Vijayvargiya, in a case where a building inspector of the Indore Municipal Corporation was allegedly assaulted with a cricket bat in 2019.
Besides Aakash Vijayvargiya, an MLA of the BJP which was then in opposition, nine other accused in the case were also acquitted of various charges, including assault and criminal intimidation, by the special court set up for trial of criminal matters involving MPs/MLAs, said a defence lawyer.
The special court was presided over by Judge Dev Kumar.
"The prosecution could not prove the charges in the case in the court. Due to this, the court acquitted Vijayvargiya and nine others," defence lawyer Udaypratap Singh Kushwah told reporters.
"Another accused in the case was murdered (during pendency of the trial)," he said. -- PTI