The Delhi police arrested six people from Rajasthan and the national capital under a special drive against cyber fraudsters, officials on Sunday said.
According to the police, 110 complaints on the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal were found to be linked to those arrested and transactions of nearly Rs 5 crore were found in their bank accounts.
They were using three different modus operandi to dupe people -- online investment frauds, fake websites for child-modelling frauds and fake updation of electricity bills.
"Our team launched an operation against the cyber fraudsters on the basis of ongoing different cases. In a two-day operation in Jaipur and Delhi, a total of six people were apprehended and arrested," deputy commissioner of police (Dwarka) Ankit Singh said.
The arrested were identified as Bipul Kumar (44), Sharwan Pareek (55), Avadhesh Udaiwal (41) and Mukesh Kumar (30) from Jaipur in Rajasthan, and Devender Singh and Bhipender Mahamana from Delhi. -- PTI