Maharashtra deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Friday declared movable and immovable assets worth Rs 13,27,47,728 in the affidavit filed along with his nomination papers from Nagpur South West seat for the November 20 assembly polls.
As per his tax return forms, his total income stood at Rs 79,30,402 in 2023-24, while it was Rs 92,48,094 in 2022-23.
Fadnavis declared movable assets of Rs 56,07,867 in his name, Rs 6,96,92,748 in his wife Amruta Fadnavis' name as well as Rs 10,22,113 in his daughter's name.
As per his poll affidavit, the senior BJP leader has Rs 23,500 cash in hand, while this figure is Rs 10,000 in the case of his wife.
His deposits in bank accounts, including term deposits and deposits in financial institutions, NBFCs and cooperative societies, is Rs 2,28,760, while that of his wife stands at Rs 1,43,717.
Fadnavis has not invested in bonds, debentures, shares and mutual funds but has invested Rs 20,70,607 in NSS, postal savings, insurance policies and financial instruments.
His wife has invested Rs 5,62,59,031 in bonds, debentures, shares and mutual funds, as per the affidavit. -- PTI