The Congress on Thursday announced its first list of 48 candidates for the Maharashtra assembly polls, fielding its state unit chief Nana Patole from Sakoli, former chief minister Prithviraj Chavan from Karad South and Leader of Opposition in the outgoing assembly Vijay Wadettiwar from Brahmapuri.
The opposition party also fielded former ministers Nitin Raut and Balasaheb Thorat from Nagpur North and Sangamner respectively, Jyoti Eknath Gaikwad from Dharavi, Amit Deshmukh from Latur City and Dheeraj Deshmukh from Latur Rural.
Mohammad Aarif Naseem Khan has been fielded from Chandivali, Aslam Sheikh from Malad West, Ranjit Kamble from Deoli and Vikas Thakre from Nagpur West.
The list comes a day after the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) of the Congress, NCP (SP) and Shiv Sena (UBT) announced that they will contest 85 seats each in the November 20 polls.
However, deliberations to seal a final pact are still underway. The three allies are discussing the sharing of the remaining 33 seats of the total 288 among themselves and smaller parties.