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Priyanka: TV says no other leader like PM but...

May 27, 2024

Launching a scathing attack on Prime Minister Modi and BJP, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi said on Monday that people are being misled that the country is progressing while the truth is that youth are unemployed and inflation is increasing.

Addressing a rally in Kangra today, Priyanka said, "PM is talking nonsense from the stage. Sometimes it is said that Congress will steal your buffalo, they will steal your mangalsutra. Their truth is absolutely clear. You are being told on TV that there is no leader like Modiji and the country is progressing. The truth is that today the youth are unemployed and inflation is increasing. 70 crore youth are unemployed in this country."

"Congress brought One Rank One Pension. Earlier the soldiers used to get disability pensions, but they have abolished that also. For whom is their government running? Today all the cold storage in Himachal belongs to Adani ji. Only he will decide what will be the price of Apple. Farmers are being cheated," Priyanka added.

Further, the Congress leader said that due to two incidents in Himachal Pradesh, the truth of Congress and the BJP came in front of the people.

"The country's two biggest parties are in competition in this election. In the last 2 years, 2 incidents took place in Himachal due to which the truth of these two parties has come in front of the people of Himachal. First of all, a terrible disaster occurred here and houses were washed away and families were separated. When I came here after months, I was heartbroken to see the condition. Every Congress worker and minister was among you at that time. The entire Congress party came together and remained engaged in your support," she said.

"On the other hand, PM says that Himachal is his second family but at that time he did not even look at it. Even big leaders of the BJP did not help you. Everyone saw what is the ideology of Congress and what is that of BJP," Priyanka Gandhi added. -- ANI
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