The Bombay high court on Tuesday adjourned till June 13 hearing on a bunch of petitions challenging the Maharashtra government's decision to grant reservation to persons from the Maratha community.
A full bench of Chief Justice DK Upadhyaya and Justices Girish Kulkarni and Firdosh Pooniwalla did not pass any urgent orders on the interim relief for a stay on operation of the quota sought by the petitioners.
The bench clarified that as per an ad-interim order passed by a coordinate bench in March, any admission made or employment given under the quota would be subject to final outcome of these petitions.
The full bench had last week commenced hearing on the petitions.
On Tuesday, the court said the full bench would be available from Wednesday till summer vacation that is scheduled to begin in May.
The court said it would continue hearing the matter after reopening on June 13. -- PTI