Madhya Pradesh recorded a voter turnout of 11.19 per cent while neighbouring Chhattisgarh saw 5. 71 per cent polling in the second phase till 9.30 am on Friday, according to data shared by the Election Commission.
Polling for the 230-member Madhya Pradesh Assembly and 70 seats for the 90-member Chhattisgarh House is underway currently.
While polling for all seats in Madhya Pradesh is being held in a single phase currently, voting for 20 seats in the first phase of the Chhattisgarh polls was held on November 7.
Polling for the second phase in Chhattisgarh began at 8 pm and will continue till 3 pm. However, voting in nine polling stations of Bindranavagarh Assembly constituency will be held from 7 am to 3 pm.
For Chhattisgarh, over 18,800 polling stations have been set up for the second phase of polling. A total of 958 candidates are in the fray across the 70 seats.