Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Monday said that 60 people were killed, 231 injured and 1,700 houses including religious places burnt in the ethnic violence that rocked the northeastern state for the past few days.
Addressing a press conference here, the chief minister said that the state cabinet resolved to provide ex gratia of Rs 5 lakh to the families of the deceased, Rs 2 lakh to those who suffered major injuries and Rs 25,000 to those with minor injuries.
"These are very very unfortunate incidents. I appeal to people to bring peace together at the earliest," Singh said.
He said that 1,700 houses including temples and churches have been burnt down during the violence.
The chief minister said that Rs 2 lakh will be paid to those whose houses were destroyed and the government will rebuild them.
"In the wake of the unfortunate incident that happened in Manipur, more than 20,000 people who were left stranded in relief camps have been moved to safety till today. Another 10,000 more stranded people will be transported to safety as soon as possible.... Human lives are precious and destroying homes and properties are unacceptable,' Singh said. -- PTI