Vijay Yadav, the accused in the murder of gangster Sanjiv Maheshwari Jeeva was produced before local court by the police in Lucknow on Wednesday.
The police submitted a letter to the court demanding five days remand of the accused Vijay Yadav.
The police in its remand letter mentioned that accused had made a statement regarding taking arms and Rs 20 lakh from a person from Bihar for the contract killing of gangster Jeeva.
Along with this, the police also mentioned in its remand letter that the accused Vijay Yadav worked in a hotel in Nepal and came to Lucknow and dressed as a lawyer.
On Wednesday, Jeeva was fatally shot by a man posing as a lawyer inside the Lucknow civil court premises.
Following the murder, police said that as many as six Lucknow police personnel were suspended for negligence.
Earlier on Saturday Samajwadi Party Member of Parliament Ram Gopal Yadav slammed the Uttar Pradesh government following the murder of gangster Sanjeev Maheshwari Jeeva in broad daylight inside the Lucknow court premises.
SP MP Ram Gopal Yadav said that there is no law and order in Lucknow adding that such incidents have been happening on a regular basis.
"In Lucknow, such murders are happening back to back. There is nothing called law and order here. If the state government itself believes that such murders are ok then who is going to stop them?...there are a lot of 'Asurs' here, 'Asurs' are those who commit atrocities against people..." SP MP said. -- ANI