Security has been beefed up for West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who is on a six-day visit to the northern districts, after intelligence inputs indicated a sudden upsurge in activities of the banned Kamtapur Liberation Organisation outfit, a senior officer said on Thursday.
Security measures were tightened after video grabs allegedly made by the KLO threatening Banerjee started circulating on social media.
The officer said that the Intelligence Bureau has cautioned the state police about the upsurge of activities of KLO, which has a presence in northern West Bengal and neighbouring Assam.
"Security measures have been beefed up. Though tightening security arrangements is a routine procedure whenever the CM is travelling, this time there are specific inputs and we have taken additional measures," the IPS officer told PTI.
KLO has developed links with other terror outfits in the Northeast and that is a major concern, he said. -- PTI