Six hours ago, when actor Vishnu Vishal posted on X, Water is entering my house and the level is rising badly in Karapakkam, little did the firemen, who responded to the call for help, knew they'll be rescuing a Bollywood superstar too in the process.
A picture of actor Aamir Khan among the rescued posing with the Chennai Fire Service personnel in a dinghy, posted by Vishal again, took people by surprise.
Most X users went: 'Wait, is that Aamir Khan?'
Now, a sub-post, 'what is Aamir Khan doing in Chennai?' is doing the rounds on X with people chipping in with their own speculation.
Some say he is there for a shoot. Some say he has relocated to Chennai as his mother is undergoing treatment in a hospital there.
It is not clear if Khan was staying with Vishal when he was rescued. Calls to Vishal did not go through.
According to industry insiders though, Khan is living in the same apartment complex in Karapakkam as Vishal.
Among those rescued was also badminton player and Arjuna Awardee Jwala Gutta.
Meanwhile, state minister for industries, T R B Rajaa, in his X post thanking Vishal's appreciation post, said he was astounded that Khan had waited his turn to be rescued, like any of our fellow citizens instead of pulling strings. Hats off to people like Thiru Khan for being sensitive to the scale of the issue at hand and patiently await their turn, he posted.
-- PTI