Maharashtra Minister Aaditya Thackeray announces that the state has set a record of vaccinating 8 lakh people in a day. "We can conduct 15 lakh vaccinations in a day. Our effort is to make the vaccines available to the people as soon as possible," Thackeray said.
India crossed the grim milestone of 2 crore COVID-19 cases on May 4, and 3 crore on June 23. The 422 new fatalities include 157 from Maharashtra, 64 from Odisha and 56 from Kerala. A total of 4,24,773 deaths linked to the disease have been reported so far in the country, including 1,32,948 from Maharashtra, 36,587 from Karnataka, 34,102 from Tamil Nadu, 25,054 from Delhi, 22,763 from Uttar Pradesh, 18,149 from West Bengal and 16,794 from Punjab.