Actor Rhea Chakraborty on Thursday said there was a threat to her and her family's life and requested the Mumbai police for protection. Rhea took to Instagram and shared a video where her father was seen being hounded by the media outside her building compound.
She said they have been trying to get out of the house to cooperate with various investigating agencies probing actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death. "The man in this video is my father Indrajit chakraborty (retd. army officer). We have been trying to get out of our house to co-operate with ED, CBI and various investigation authorities to cooperate.
"There is a threat to my life and my family's life. We have informed the local police station and even gone there, no help provided. We have informed the investigation authorities to help us get to them, no help arrived. How is this family going to live?" the 28-year-old actor wrote. Using the hashtag #SafetyForMyFamily, Rhea said basic law and order restrictions should be provided especially amid the coronavirus pandemic.
"We are only asking for assistance, to cooperate with the various agencies that have asked us. I request @mumbaipolice to please provide protection so that we can cooperate with these investigation agencies," she said.