The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation on Thursday said it has decided to take police action against senior committee member of the National Sports Club of India (NSCI), Viren Shah, for entering the "high risk zone" quarantine facility created for COVID-19 patients in the city. The BMC has turned the NSCI stadium in Worli into a quarantine facility for about 500 people, who might have come in contact with coronavirus patients.
In a statement, a BMC spokesperson alleged that Shah gave interviews to media persons after entering the zone created to quarantine high-risk contacts of COVID-19 patients at the stadium.
"It is a serious issue as Viren Shah is risking not only his own life, but also the lives of media persons," BMC spokesperson Vijay Khabale said. "Therefore, the civic body has decided to take police action against Shah," he added.
The Sardar Vallabhai Patel stadium at the NSCI complex is close to Worli Koliwada, one of the coronavirus hotspots in the city. The NSCI is a popular multi-sports venue. -- PTI