The National Investigation Agency today filed a chargesheet against 12 people, including Lashkar-e-Tayiba chief Hafeez Saeed and Hizbul Mujahideen head Syed Salahuddin, in a case related to alleged funding of terror and secessionist activities in the Kashmir Valley.
The NIA filed the 1,279-page chargesheet before a designated court here and sought permission to continue its probe.
The judicial custody of 10 people arrested in connection with the case ended today.
Under the anti-terror law -- the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act -- the prosecuting agency has to file a chargesheet within 6 months, failing which the accused is eligible for bail.
NIA officials said they gathered substantial material and technical evidence during the probe.
They said 60 locations were raided and 950 incriminating documents seized. There are 300 witnesses in the case.
-- PTI