The Supreme Court on Friday refused to interfere with the anticipatory bail granted to Karti Chidambaram by the Delhi high court in the Aircel-Maxis case.
A bench of the apex court, comprising of Justices AK Sikri and Ashok Bhushan, was hearing the case.
Justice Sikri, while refusing to interfere with the order of the Delhi high court, observed that the court should not go into the technicalities when it comes to the question of liberty.
The Apex Court also left it to the petitioner, Karti Chidambaram, as to whether he can approach the high court when his application for bail was already pending before the trial court.
The case pertains to a Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance allegedly granted by former Finance Minister P Chidambaram to M/S Global Communication Holding Services Ltd for investment in Aircel.
The FIPB approval was allegedly granted in the year 2006 when Chidambaram was the finance minister under the United Progressive Alliance-I government.
Earlier, the Supreme Court had dismissed the plea filed by Karti Chidambaram against the issuance of summons in the case after the CBI on July 19 filed a fresh charge-sheet before a Delhi court against 18 accused, including P Chidambaram, Karti and select government officials (serving and retired). -- ANI