Hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who literally shut the doors of his residence on a group of MPs few days back, on Thursday said he was not against dialogue but will not participate in any "meaningless exercise" which is not aimed at solving the Kashmir issue.
The separatist hawk said the Kashmir issue needs to be addressed through dialogue.
"We were never against dialogue in the past nor will be in future. However, we do not want to be part of any meaningless exercise which is not aimed at finding a solution to the Kashmir issue," Geelani said, addressing public gatherings at Panzan-Chadoora and Nasrullahpora in Budgam district by telephone from his Hyderpora residence where he is under house arrest.
Only four days back, he had literally shut the door of his residence to four MPs who wanted to meet him and have talks on how to end the ongoing unrest in Kashmir.
"..Home Minister visited Kashmir twice (before leading an all party delegation) but did not talk about the steps for resolution of Kashmir issue," he said while terming the visit of Rajnath Singh as an exercise to pass the time.
He accused the Centre and the PDP-BJP government of unleashing a "rein of terror" on the people instead of taking into account the "unmatched sacrifices" rendered by them.