The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam said on Friday said the air strikes carried out by it over capital Colombo killing two people and injuring 54 others were suicide attacks by its elite 'Black Air Tiger' squad.
The LTTE said two men from the "Black Air Tiger" suicide squad piloted the two light aircraft that carried out the attack on Thursday night.
"The aircrafts dived into Sri Lanka Air Force Headquarters in Colombo and into the SLAF base at Katunayaka
at around 2115 hrs last night carrying out successful air raids," pro-LTTE website reported.
However, the Sri Lankan government had last night said it shot down one aircraft and the second one was disabled by the anti air gunfire. It also said the pilot of one aircraft was killed. also published a photograph of the two suicide pilots together with Tamil Tigers supremo Velupillai
Prabhakaran said to have been taken shortly before they set off on the suicide mission.