They love to argue and debate showing how knowledgeable and smart they are, sometimes with little regard for the feeling of others. Gay, witty and amusing, the roosters will never pass an opportunity to recount their adventures and enumerate their accomplishments
Are you a rooster personality? Read your forecast for 2008
The year 2008 will bring many a new beginning to the rooster. Both in your professional and personal life, you get ready for major breakthroughs in June.
Transitions now move onto transformations as you crack important and profitable deals and move up the ladder of success. Those of you in the field of sales/marketing/public relations widen their horizons and meet like-minded folk who promise to help especially in August and September. Finances settle down and some of you plan a trip overseas.
Your love life has its memorable moments, especially for those involved in long-term love relationships. If single, warm friendships make the year worth living to its most.
Famous people: Prince Phillip, Elton John, Pope Paul VI
Lucky days: Tuesday, Sunday
Lucky numbers: 10, 2