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4 kg RDX found at CST station
December 03, 2008

A week after the Mumbai terror attacks, two bags containing eight kg of explosive material were on Wednesday recovered from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Rail Terminus in the metropolis and the explosives were there when Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh visited the spot.

Coverage: Terror attacks in Mumbai

The bags containing the explosive material, ball bearings and a battery each have been taken away by the Bomb Disposal Squad, Inspector General of Police, Railway Police Force, B S Siddhu said.

The bags were found among the abandoned bags of persons injured or killed in the terror attack on CST on the night of November 26, Siddhu said.

The bags were found approximately an hour before Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh was scheduled to arrive at CST. After ensuring that it would not explode, the bags were taken away by the Bomb Disposal Squad after Deshmukh left the station.

The explosive substance will be sent to the forensic science laboratory for verification.

Siddhu said the recovered explosive device is similar to the one found near Taj hotel on Wednesday night. After the attack in CST on Wednesday, a lot of bags were abandoned, which were collected and stored at the Government Railway Police (GRP) station. While some bags had been collected a few were still lying there.

In one of the bags, an iron container was found in which there was one more iron container which had some black substance, ball bearings and a battery, Siddhu said.

Police has conducted searches inside the station premises and no further suspicious bags have been found.

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