The Mumbai Police found six low-intensity crude bombs near Andheri railway station in Mumbai on Wednesday. Two persons have been arrested in connection with the case.
Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rakesh Maria said that the bombs were kept in a backpack and made of low-intensity explosives like gunpowder. Material like nails, ball bearings and nut-bolts were kept to act as sharpnel.
The arrested duo has been identified as Rajeev Jaigovind Singh and Soumitra Badal Roy. Singh was arrested in Andheri on Tuesday with the bombs, which
However, Maria refused to divulge why the duo had the bombs in their possession. He said that it was too premature to discuss their motives and the police will be able to answer these questions only after the interrogation of the arrested accused.
The bombs were recovered hours before the Indian cricket team arrived here after winning the Twenty20 cricket World Cup in South Africa.