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Blasts no excuse to postpone poll: Bhutto
October 24, 2007 11:52 IST

Pakistan People's Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto has asserted that the October 18 terrorist attacks on her homecoming procession should not be made a pretext for cancelling or postponing the general elections.

Bhutto said that her party might join the caretaker set-up if it was convinced that it would be for holding free, fair and transparent elections.

Bhutto questioned the composition of the Election Commission and claimed that its secretary was involved in the 2002 elections.

The former prime minister reiterated her demand for associating foreign experts in the investigation of the bombings and said she had been appalled by government's insistence on not including them in the probe. She said she feared that evidence might be destroyed with the passage of time, the Dawn reported.

She criticised Pakistan Muslim League president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain's for alleging that the PPP itself was involved in the October 18 blasts.

Meanwhile, officials confirmed that two suicide bombers were behind the bomb attacks.

Also, the officer heading the probe into the blasts was expected to be replaced after Bhutto said she had no confidence in him, the paper quoted officials as saying.

Sindh Home Adviser Wasim Akhtar also confirmed that the change was being considered, although he did not say if it was in response to Bhutto's claims.

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