Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is expected to be released from Yeravada jail on Tuesday after the Supreme Court order granting him bail reaches the prison authorities in Pune.
The copy of the apex court order will be routed through the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act court in Mumbai before it can be handed over to the jail authorities in Pune, Satish Mathur, IG Prisons, Maharashtra told PTI.
Under these circumstances, the actor, who has served about three weeks of his six year rigorous imprisonment sentence slapped by the TADA court in the Mumbai blasts case, is likely to walk out of jail only on Tuesday.
Dutt was brought to Pune on the night of August 2 from Mumbai's Arthur Road jail, which houses only under trial prisoners.
He is said to be doing "cane work" assigned to him a week back after he underwent a routine medical check-up.
Supreme Court grants Sanjay Dutt, 5 others interim bail
1993 Mumbai Blasts: The Verdict