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Osama not a Muslim if Wahabi: Ulema
September 05, 2006
The religious followings of Al Qaeda leader and international terror mastermind Osama bin Laden came under scanner on Tuesday after an ulema declared he could not be termed as a Muslim if he followed the Wahabi sect.

Talking to reporters in Lucknow to clarify his fatwa on declaring the marriages in a Moradabad village as void, mufti-e-shehr, Mufti Abdul Mannan Kalimi said people who follow the Deobandi or Wahabi sect within the Muslim community are not Muslims.

He said this after a section of the media a reported Osama bin Laden as a Wahabi.

Incidentally, Mufti Kalimi had issued a fatwa, declaring people who had attended a 'namaz-e-janaza' led by a Deobandi sect Maulana as non-Muslims. He had also termed their marriages as void.

He said his fatwa was in the light of a similar decree issued a 100 years ago by Maulana Ahmed Raza, a respected leader of the Sunni sect of the Muslim community.

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