The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Saturday began a probe into the alleged suicide of Lieutenant Sushmita Chakraborty, nine days after she shot herself at the Indian Army's Northern Command headquarters.
"A special investigation team, constituted by SSP P R Manhas, has started with the questioning of some top officers of the Army Service Corps at Udhampur," a police officer told PTI.
While Chakraborty's family has claimed she was unhappy with the job, the army has maintained that she was suffering from depression due to low self-esteem.
The SIT, headed by Deputy Superintendent of Police (Headquarters) Amit Gupta and has two station house officers as its members, will submit its report to Manhas, officials said.
The team visited the Northern Command headquarters and questioned some officers in connection with the suicide.
The officers will also be called to the police station to formally record their statements over the next few days.
Chakraborty, who was commissioned into service in September, was the second woman army officer to commit suicide in less than a month. On May 29, Major Shobha Rani, an army doctor attached to the Air Force Command Hospital in Bangalore, had committed suicide.