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No unilateral demilitarization in J&K: Pakistan
January 09, 2006 22:07 IST

Pakistan on Monday said the proposals of self-governance and demilitarization in Jammu and Kashmir were in the spirit of the ongoing peace process with India to resolve the lingering dispute but ruled out any unilateral withdrawal of troops.

"These ideas are in the spirit of the peace process for the resolution of the Kashmir dispute and these are motivated by the desire to seek a settlement in the interest of Pakistan, India and the people of Kashmir," Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam told a weekly briefing in Islamabad.

However, she made it clear that there would be no unilateral demilitarization in Kashmir.

"One thing is certain that when we talk about demilitarization, we are talking about Jammu and Kashmir as a whole," she said, adding, "Ideas of self-governance and demilitarization have been enthusiastically discussed and responded to by the Kashmiri leadership."

The spokesperson acknowledged that the peace process was not moving ahead at the desired pace.

Asked about India's oft-repeated allegations of infiltration, she said, "There are contradictory statements emanating from New Delhi. Half of the Indian establishment says it (infiltration) has ceased and the other half says it is going on."

Rejecting the allegation, she said, "Presently thousands of international aid workers are engaged in relief operations in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, including areas close to the Line of Control and they have not discovered any infiltration."

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