The All India Forward Bloc on Monday asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh not to consider any proposal by the Japan government to take a decision on taking over the alleged remains of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose kept in the Renkoji temple there.
Observing that the Justice M K Mukherjee Commission, Netaji's family, the party and numerous people in the country held that Bose did not die in the August 18, 1945 plane crash, two party MPs Subrata Bose and Barun Mukherjee said the ashes at the Renkoji temple were not of Netaji.
In a letter to the prime minister, Bose, who is also Netaji's nephew, and Mukherjee demanded that the Centre, which has already rejected the Mukherjee Commission report, should accept it.
The one-man panel had also concluded that Netaji was not killed in that air crash. They said any decision favouring taking over what is claimed to be the remains of Netaji from the Japanese temple on behalf of the government should be opposed.
The two MPs also demanded that India must stop all financial assistance to the Renkoji Temple.Was 125-year-old Madhya Pradesh man Netaji?
Netaji did not die in aircrash: web site
I don't think Netaji survived the air crash: daughter
Bose did not die in plane crash, affirms US
Special: The forgotten spy