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NKorea back to non-proliferation treaty
September 19, 2005 12:05 IST

North Korea on Monday pledged to give up nuclear weapons and nuclear programs and also return to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and submit to International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

Other highlights of agreement issued on Monday by six nations participating in North Korean nuclear talks:

- US declares it has no nuclear arms on the Korean Peninsula, no intention to attack North Korea.

- South Korea reaffirms it won't deploy nuclear weapons, affirms it has none in its territory.

- China, Russia, South Korea, the US and Japan agree to discuss "at an appropriate time" giving North Korea a light-water nuclear reactor-- a type less easily diverted for weapons use.

- North Korea, US pledge to respect each other's sovereignty, coexist peacefully, work to normalise relations.

- North Korea, Japan agree to work to normalise ties.

- China, Russia, South Korea, Japan and the U.S. to give North Korea energy assistance including electric power from South Korea.
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