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Maoists release 14 Indian gorkhas
By Shirish B Pradhan in Kathmandu
January 16, 2005 16:07 IST

Maoists on Sunday released all 14 Gorkha Regiment soldiers of the Indian Army, who were abducted two days ago from Chuha village in Kailali district in Nepal, according to Indian embassy sources.

The soldiers, stationed in Jammu and Kashmir, were released at the initiative of the Informal Sector Service Centre, a Nepalese human rights watch group.

They were travelling on a bus towards their homes in different districts including Dang, Kaski and Nuwakot on a holiday when the Maoists abducted them, a source at INSEC said.

The rebels took them even though they said that they belonged to the Indian Army, the source said.

After being released they resumed their journey home.

Shirish B Pradhan in Kathmandu
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