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PM says Pakistan given appropriate messages
By Onkar Singh in New Delhi
August 27, 2005 22:23 IST

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Saturday that the government of Pakistan has been conveyed appropriate messages on behalf of the government of India for the release of Sarabjit Singh, an Indian citizen being held in Kot Lakhpat jail in Pakistan.

Sarabjit belongs to Bhikiwind village in the Amristar district of Punjab.

Don't hang Sarabjit: Pakistan leader

Talking to newsmen after releasing the book by late Professor Biplab Dasgupta called Gobalisation: India's Adjustment Experience, Dr Singh said the authorities have been in touch with the Pakistan government.

Pak grants consular access to Sarabjit

Dr Singh refused to say any further on the subject. He said that he was not aware of the exchange of prisoners between India and Pakistan.

Onkar Singh in New Delhi
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