The Centre on Friday said it was contemplating ordering an independent probe into the veracity of entries in the diary maintained by Gujarat Additional Director General of Police R B Sreekumar.
According to the ADGP, the diary has details of instructions allegedly given by Chief Minister Narendra Modi to 'eliminate minorities' during the Gujarat riots.
Home Minister Shivraj Patil and Law Minister H R Bharadwaj on Friday discussed the issue arising out of the ADGP's diary entries, official sources said.
The ministers contemplated referring the 'contents of the diary' to an agency, like the Central Bureau of Investigation, to examine its authenticity, they added.
The 207-page diary purportedly has details of the conversations between him and government officials. The ADGP said, 'Each page of the diary has the signature and official seal of the then Inspector General of Police (Administration), O P Mathur."
Also read:
Gujarat cops question authenticity of Sreekumar's diary