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India, Pak to jointly survey Sir Creek
By K J M Varma in Islamabad
December 14, 2004 20:50 IST


India and Pakistan on Tuesday agreed to conduct a joint survey of the boundary pillars at Sir Creek, a small coastal strip along the Rann of Kutch off the coast of Gujarat, from January 3.

"Both sides positively understood each other's points of view and a consensus generally emerged," a Pakistan defence ministry statement said at the end of the first day of the two-day talks between defence officials of the two countries.

The Sir Creek issue was among the eight subjects being discussed under the Composite Dialogue process.

"As part of the ongoing composite dialogue process, the talks were held in very cordial and friendly atmosphere," the statement said.

Sir Creek is a small strip of water along the Rann of Kutch (in India) and Sindh (in Pakistan).

Both countries are keen to acquire it as it is considered rich in oil and natural gas.

The pillars were erected in 1924 by the authorities of Sindh and Kutch.

K J M Varma in Islamabad
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