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Indo-Pak talks on terrorism
By K J M Varma in Islamabad
August 10, 2004

Top Indian and Pakistani officials began talks on terrorism and drug trafficking in Islamabad on Tuesday with special focus on terror infrastructure in Pakistan and the extradition of hijackers of an Indian Airlines plane and those wanted in connection with the Mumbai serial blasts.

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The eight-member
Indian delegation is led by Home Secretary Dhirendra Singh, while the Pakistan team is led by Tariq Mahmood.

Ahead of the talks, Singh, on his arrival in Islamabad on Monday night, said the parleys being held after a gap of six years, would focus on creating goodwill, promoting peace and mutual trust between the two countries.

Singh said he had come with an open mind and hoped his visit to Islamabad would lead to progress in efforts to improve relations between India and Pakistan. "We shall take up all the concerned issues when we sit together at the negotiating table."

K J M Varma in Islamabad
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