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Phalcons will trigger arms race: Pak
By K J M Varma in Islamabad
October 11, 2003

Accusing India of triggering an arms race by signing a deal with Israel to acquire Phalcon airborne radar systems, Pakistan on Saturday said it will exploit all its resources to maintain regional military balance.

Also see: India signs deal on Phalcon radars with Israel, Russia

Cautioning Pakistanis about the likely adverse impact of Indo-Israel deal, Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali
said Pakistan "wanted to live in peace but also knew how to defend itself."

He was addressing army cadets at the Kakul military academy.

Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri told reporters in Karachi: "We'll exploit all our resources to maintain this [military] balance for which we should not be blamed because this arms race has been launched by India"

Pointing out that Pakistan was passing through a critical period with external challenges, Jamali said: "To encounter internal and external threats posed to our integrity and sovereignty, we require to be extra vigilant and prepared for any sacrifice to guard our geographical frontiers."


K J M Varma in Islamabad
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