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Vajpayee to be in Ayodhya after a decade
By Sharat Pradhan in Lucknow
July 31, 2003

When Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee arrives for the funeral of Ramjanmabhoomi Trust chief Mahant Ramchandra Das Paramhans in Ayodhya on Friday, it will be his first visit to the temple town since the demolition of the Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992.

Unlike his deputy Lal Kishenchand Advani, who watched the three domes of the mosque crumble, Vajpayee had expressed regret at the act carried out by the karsevaks.

  • Ramchandradas Paramhans is dead
  • He lived for the Ram temple
  • Patron saint of the Janambhoomi movement
  • Interview: 'Is Vajpayee threatening me?'
  • His arrival in Ayodhya on Friday is, therefore, expected to give a boost to the temple movement.

    He will likely be implored to do something to fulfil Paramhans's cherished dream of building a Ram temple at the disputed site.

    Vishwa Hindu Parishad chief Ashok Singhal has said: "The demise of Mahant Ramchandra Paramhans is a severe blow to the temple movement, but we pledge to fulfil his dream at all costs."

    For the VHP, August 1 is going to be significant. They will get a chance to tell the prime minister to bring in a legislation on the issue. Vajpayee's response will throw light on the course that the temple movement is likely to take post-Paramhans.

    Sharat Pradhan in Lucknow
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