Directed by Patrick Hughes, the third film in the superhit series features Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Wesley Snipes...
The Expendables 3 will premiere on Sony PIX on Sunday, September 20, at 1 pm and 9 pm.
Before you watch it, you can win exciting prizes!
All you have to do is answer this simple question:
Which actor plays the villain in The Expendables 3?
PIX: Vivek Oberoi, Shilpa, Arjun celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi
PIX: Shah Rukh Khan, Rohit Shetty at a funeral
First Look: Rajinikanth's Kabali
'My film's sequel will be bigger than Avatar'
'I feel sorry for the actors in today's comedies'