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Go see Student Of The Year NOW!
By Kshamaya Daniel
October 22, 2012 16:53 IST

Kshamaya Daniel, 12-and-dying-to-be-13, is a young lady with strong opinions. According to her, Student Of The Year is both 'fantastic' and 'unpredictable'.

It's the epic Hinglish movie flick.

Everything is good; Alia Bhatt plays the typical rich girl, Shanaya Singhania, with her typical rich boyfriend (Varun Dhawan). Then, the gorgeous new boy (Siddharth Malhotra) turns up and has all the girls (and a few guys!) swooning.

Naturally, Rohan Nanda (Varun) and Abhimanyu Singh (Siddharth) are enemies but, after winning a football match, they (surprisingly!) become the best of friends.

They go to the same school, they like the same sports, they have the same problems at home and… they like the same girl!

Yes, Abhimanyu does fall in love with Shanaya after he helps her win back her boyfriend, Rohan's love, which was temporarily stolen by the school's main mean girl, Tanya Asrani (Sana Saeed).
So, after she gets herself stuck in this love triangle (well, actually, it's a square if you count Tanya) Shanaya is confused. Clearly, she should be!

I mean, like, even I would be confused between two hot guys like Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra!

Then, to add a little spice (or should I say tinker bells) to the story, we have a gay dean (Rishi Kapoor) pirouetting in and announcing the annual student of the year competition, which, very gaily, includes dancing and clue-finding.

The movie is shot in Dehradun.

The forest scenes are (very breathtakingly striking/ impressive/ stunning/ magnificent/ remarkable/ spectacular -- okay, I think you probably got it) shot at the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.

What I didn't know was that the St Teresa School in the movie is an actual school called the Kasaiga School. I personally (being 12-going-on-13, which is actually, really 13 -- never mind what my mom thinks!) want to go there because, man!, the campus is beau-ti-ful.
I did think that it was a bit corny that whenever Shanaya entered the room everybody starts singing, 'Shanaya, Shanaya'. I found that annoying because my name is Shamaya with a K!

Another thing in the movie that was weird was the football match. Our beloved KJo should have made it more realistic. I play football, so I know that it is not that easy to win a match. I mean, like, you have to charge on the ball, people!

Personally, my favourite characters were Dimpy (Manjot Singh) and Jeet (Sahil Anand). Their 'dumb' comments will have you cracking up and their idiosyncrasies will blow you to pieces. Really! At one point, I was laughing so hard that no sound came out of my mouth; I was just sitting there shaking my head like an idiot!

Rohan and Abhimanyu also have their touches of typical guy humour, which I will never understand, mostly because I'm a girl!

While Jeet and Dimpy are definitely the funniest characters, you will also find yourself being amused by Shanaya's random blonde moments. No offence to blondes but then, I'm not talking about hair colour!

Considering this was their first film, Alia Bhatt, Siddharth Malhotra and Rahul Dhawan acted brilliantly.

Even though Alia, in 1999, acted as young Preet Oberoi in the film Sangharsh, this is her first major movie. It's her debut as an adult, and she has a leading role, whereas in Sangharsh she was a child artist with a small part. In my opinion, she got all the disses towards Tanya just right!

Varun had just the right amount of shock on his face and Siddharth had just the right amount of intensity in his eyes.

Pseudo's (Boman Irani's son, Kayoze, in his debut role) drunk scene was very convincing and very… umm… drunk. As was Rishi Kapoor's… oops, I mustn't give too much away, but you'll know what I'm talking about when you see the film.

The music was very awesomesauce. There was lots of song and dance and everything in between.

The Disco Song (Benny Dayal, Sunidhi Chauhan and the late Nazia Hassan) was legend -- wait for it -- dary (sorry to quote Barney from How I Met Your Mother *apologetic face* ).

To teenagers: go for it, the movie rulz. Don't take your mom along though.

To other people: if you hate bad language (like moms do), then you won't like the start much. And that will probably ruin the entire movie. So, for you people, refresh your language!

All in all, it was a fantastic movie with star appearances by Kajol, Farah Khan and Boman Irani.

And it was quite unpredictable. I mean, before I saw the movie I was all like, "I can practically tell you the entire story right here and now" to my friends, but I was wrong.

Directed by, Karan Johar, this film, Student of the Year has an interesting (not to mention surprising) twist waiting for you at the end.

I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars and I'll give you some advice. Buy your tickets today and get into that theatre, because this movie is worth your while! ;);).

Rediff Rating:

However Kshamaya Daniel may wish otherwise, her mother insists she still has to go to her own school every day.

Kshamaya Daniel
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