Actor-director Ravi Babu has chosen a contemporary subject for his Telugu film Nuvvila. It's about the gen X, their aspirations, parents' role in their lives, their confusions, their outlook and so on. It's not that this has not been dealt with before but Ravi Babu chooses to depict a story woven around all this. The story is written by Satyanand.
The film is entertaining but the script has loopholes. There is an overdose of certain things which are unwarranted like the gay concept and simplistic treatment at times. The film is made on a shoestring budget by Usha Kiron Movies (Ramoji Rao's banner) which is pretty evident.
Anand (Ajay) is a confused lad because his mother wants him to study medicine, while his father wants him to study engineering. His father feels he is not responsible. So Anand takes up a job at a pizzeria.
Raja (Prasad) is a violinist who aspires to become a musician and lands up in the city to nurture his passion, as his father wouldn't hear of him playing the violin. But he doesn't get far because of his lisp. He joins the same pizzeria.
Mahesh (Havish) wants to be a model and spends all his dad's money on clothes. He lands up to work in the same pizzeria. These three become buddies.
Anand is smitten by Archana (Yami Gautam) but she loves Vishnu Vardhan (Vijay Sai), a cricketer. Raja keeps bumping into Rani (Ramya) his classmate and they can't stand each other but there's a twist in store for him. Mahesh loves Madhavi (Sarayu) and breaks up with her and is chased by a gay person! So the film looks at the intertwined lives of all these characters and what happens in their lives.
The plot is routine but Ravi Babu infuses enough humour in the lines and situations of the characters and does not have the regular comedians for a change. Plus, he himself looms large as a police inspector.
Besides the script, the film works because of the lead actors. All of them are new faces except Prasad from Mumbai who is seen on television and ads. Ajay, Havish, Yami, Ramya and Sarayu have put in decent performances.
Prasad, with his cherubic looks, brings a smile on people's faces, particularly with his lisping and body language. It was creditable that he dubbed for this film. All the actors lived their parts, look believable and have a bright future ahead.
Ajay was rather subdued in his performance, Yami's pretty and charming, Havish was apt in his portrayal, Ramya and Sarayu too infused life in their roles.
Shekhar Chandra's music is melodious in parts, while Bhaskarabhatla's lyrics meaningful at times. Marthand K Venkatesh could have perhaps used his editor's cut more judiciously during the gay episodes.
Nuvvila is about the youth, by the youth (in terms of actors) but for the youth and others as well.
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