Telugu star Ravi Teja's Oka Raja Oka Rani is said to be a 'realistic' love story. Upcoming actress Namita plays the female lead and debutant director Yogi helms the film that releases tomorrow, June 19. The film's music, composed by Chakri, has already met with a good response.
Yogi promises he has exploited the loverboy and angry young man qualities that Teja is loved for to the hilt in his maiden film.
Producers Usha Kiron Movies has been aggressively promoting the film on its ETV television channel and its Eenadu newspaper. Apart from sustaining the star's winning streak, Oka Raja Oka Rani is looked on as breaking the banner's jinx, which has not delivered a hit despite films with Nagarjuna and Jagapati Babu in its 50-odd productions.