Celebrities attending the 76th Annual Academy Awards on February 29 can rest easy.
-No mention of the show itself or of any awards show
-No ads featuring clips from movies that have been nominated for awards
-No ads featuring any nominee or Oscar presenter
-No ads from competing companies (the only car company that has been allowed to advertise is Cadillac)
-No ad for feminine hygiene products. In fact there will be no pharmaceutical ads at all.
An AP report mentions that these rules have been in place for at least 20 years.
A representative told People that the intention is not to create a stuffy atmosphere, but a dignified event and presentation: 'We want it to be a family affair that can be appreciated by the widest possible audience.' Though the Academy has not yet rejected any ad.
'[The Academy is] preserving the exclusive sanctity of this one show, because there's no other show like it -- bar none,' ABC's Geri Wang, vice president, ad sales, told People.
Meanwhile, another AP report mentions that ABC, which will broadcast the ceremony in the US, collected a record $1.5 million per 30-second ad. Incidentally, for the same slot, SuperBowl ads collected $2.3 million.