In 1949, Dev Anand and his elder brother, Chetan, launched their own banner. Navketan Films ushered in an era of exciting cinema and introduced several talented artistes and technicians. It was under the Navketan roof that directors Guru Dutt, Raj Khosla and Vijay Anand, music directors S D Burman and R D Burman, cinematographer Fali Mistry and V Ratra did some of their best work. Together, they produced films that continue to keep audiences riveted decades after they were made.
On Dev Anand's 80th birthday, lists the memorable films that came out under the Navketan banner:
BAAZI (1951): Navketan's second production marked the directorial debut of Dev Anand's friend, Guru Dutt. An urban crime caper featuring Anand, Geeta Bali and Kalpana Karthik, Baazi was characterised by Dutt's attention to detail, evinced in every aspect of the film -- the stark cinematography, sharp editing and a unique approach to song picturisation as seen in the Geeta Dutt number, Tadbir se bigdi hui taqdeer.
Simply Dev Anand:
JEWEL THIEF (1967): The banner's fascination with crime thrillers continued into the colourful 1960s under Vijay Anand's able direction. The story of a police commissioner's son (Dev Anand) who is mistaken for a notorious jewel thief comes with a built-in love triangle (featuring Vyjayanthimala and Tanuja) and an unexpected twist in the tale in the form of Ashok Kumar who plays a memorable villain. Once again S D Burman's music enhances several superb moments in the film, particularly the seductive Raat akeli hai and the elaborate climax dance, Hoton pe aisi baat.
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