The police went over MJ's Neverland mansion, North of Santa Barbara, for eight hours on Friday. They wrapped things up with an hour and a half visit on December 4, when they took some of The Gloved One's spit.
'They didn't have DNA on Jackson until yesterday [December 4]. Now, they have a control sample,' said Jim Thomas. Thomas is a retired Santa Barbara County Sheriff, who led a molestation probe of Jackson a decade ago and now serves as an analyst for NBC.
'For the sake of argument, let's say they [cops] have a mattress or a sheet with semen stains on it; now they have something to compare it with,' he adds.
Jackson, 46, is set to go on trial on January 31, 2005, when he'll face no less than 10 grand-jury indictments for alleged molestation, conspiracy and illegal use of alcohol with a minor.
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