According to reports, actor-musician Himesh Reshammiya has, rather discreetly, managed to strike a deal for the remake rights of Shekhar Kapoor’s 1983 classic Masoom which starred Naseeruddin Shah and Shabana Azmi as a couple grappling with the reality of a lovechild.
The heartwarming story of the familial struggle had instantly struck a chord with movie-goers across the country, establishing Shekhar Kapoor as a filmmaker
Thirty years later, Reshamiyya has bought the remake rights of the film from the original producers Chanda Dutt and Devi Dutt. The remake will reportedly be directed by Bedobrata Pain whose directorial debut Chittagong received critical acclaim last year.
And Reshammiya has zeroed in on Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan to play the lead roles.
According to a reliable source, the star couple has agreed in principle to be in the film.
“The details are being worked out at present,” says the source.
In the picture: Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Photograph: Jimmy Jeong/Reuters