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Postcard to Finance Minister: Tell him your Budget wish list
By Rediff Business Desk
June 11, 2014 10:18 IST

During the election rallies, Narendra Modi had assured India that if the Bharatiya Janata Party comes to power, he will focus on economic development.

He had promised to arrest inflation, simplify taxes, build 100 new cities, create jobs by upgrading skills of rural workers, lower corruption, and improve infrastructure.

As citizens who voted the BJP to power based on these promises, here's an opportunity for you to tell the Modi government reforms you would like to see in areas such as education, health, taxation, job creation, infrastructure, foreign direct investment, and so on.

Voice your opinion by sending a postcard to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley informing him the economic transformation you had hoped for while voting for the BJP and its allies.

Click HERE to send a message to the Finance Minister…

Rediff Business Desk
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