BUSINESS » Business

Tata Steel beckons for Varin
By Emiliya Mychasuk and Emiko Terazono,
December 15, 2008 11:17 IST

Since Ratan Tata , the patriarch of India's Tata Group, decided to splash out $13.1bn early in 2007 on Anglo-Dutch Corus, he has spent a lot of time with smooth-talking Frenchman Philippe Varin , who has run Corus for five and a half years.

The two have got on well - so well that Mr Varin is considered to be in pole position to take over at prize asset Tata Steel when the job becomes vacant next year.

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  • Assuming Mr Varin gets the nod from Mr Tata to succeed B. Muthuraman when the long-standing Tata Steel chief executive steps down next September, the appointment would help Mr Tata's efforts to underline his group's international credentials.

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  • When Tata bought Corus, the affable Mr Varin considered whether to stay with the group or try life elsewhere. Although Corus is no more than a subsidiary of Tata Steel, the business accounts for four-fifths of Tata's steel output, making it the world's sixth-biggest supplier of the metal.

    The diplomatic Mr Varin has shown every sign of having enjoyed working for the Indian company, though he now has a struggle on his hands as Corus pushes through a £350m cost-saving plan that could involve large job cuts next year.

    Change at the top of Tata Steel, meanwhile, is necessitated by Mr Muthuraman - a close confidante of Mr Tata - taking advantage of the retirement age at Tata Group of 65, to enjoy hobbies of golf and cricket.

    At the age of 56, Mr Varin would not be a particularly youthful choice. However, Mr Tata - who turns 71 this month - is more impressed with ability than youth. He recently extended his own term to allow him to stay at the helm until he is 75.

    Copyright: The Financial Times Limited 2008

    Emiliya Mychasuk and Emiko Terazono,
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