One moment you can find access to certain parts of the town very difficult while the very next minute you may also run into a security personnel or police officer who is escorting you till your destination even if you just ask for the way.
The drivers of electric cars for moving within Congress Centre, the venue of WEF meet, offer you a blanket to guard against freezing chill in the air even for a two-minute ride. Those offering fruit smoothies across the venue have got knitted caps on them and are called 'Innocent'.
At the same time, if you don't belong to the elite league, who are identified here with their white badges, you can't even think of entering areas marked for these rich and powerful. In effect, the non-white badge holders have been left with less than half of the entire venue.
Same is the case for numerous evening and late night parties held across this small town.
Those not invited cannot under any circumstances manage an entry, although there are no bouncers and it is mostly polite 'no' to tell you that you are not invited.
However, there are plenty of these parties and everyone is bound to get invited to one or the other every evening and majority of them end up attending two or more parties every
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