Sony India on Thursday declared a 20 per cent sales growth for the year ended March 31, 2004, and said it plans to launch VAIO personal computers in India over the next few months.
The company also indicated that there could be much enhanced collaboration between various Sony operations in India including Sony Ericsson, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Entertainment Television and Sonly Music Entertainment in the near future.
"Besides hardware, Sony also has entertainment operations in India. With collaboration among Sony India, Sony Ericsson, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Entertainment TV and Sony Music Entertainment; Sony can now create value-added synergy and offer Indian customers a Total Sony Solution," Sony India said in a statement.
However, a company spokesperson declined to elaborate the plan of greater synergy between Sony operations in India.
The company has decided to adopt a three-pronged strategy for consolidating growth in India. This includes creating a new lifestyle solution based on IT technology and promoting connectivity through Sony products.
"This will be made possible with the introduction of the VAIO PC in India in the middle of 2004," the release added.