Taking stern action against Sahara Group in the high-profile investor refund case involving over Rs 24,000 crore (Rs 240 billion), market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India had in February ordered the freezing of bank accounts and attachment of all properties of two group firms and top executives, including Subrata Roy.
SEBI's action followed directions from the Supreme Court. Passing two separate orders against Sahara Housing Investment Corporation Ltd and Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Ltd, SEBI said that the two companies had raised Rs 6,380 crore (Rs 63.80 billion) and Rs 19,400 crore (Rs 194 billion) respectively from bondholders and various illegalities were committed in raising of these funds.
The Supreme Court in August last year had asked Sahara Group firms to refund the money with 15
Sebi-Sahara case: SAT to hear Roy's plea on March 23
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