Reliance Industries on Friday said that it has made a sixth oil discovery in the Gujarat block, but did not give the reserves that the latest find may hold.
"The well flowed at a rate of 415 barrels of oil per day," it said. RIL, which has so far drilled 16 exploratory wells in the block, named the discovery 'Dhirubhai-49'. This is the sixth oil discovery in the block, so far, but the company has not put a reserve estimate for any of the finds in the area.
Stating that the find has been notified to the government and to the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, the company said, "The potential commercial interest of the discovery is being ascertained through additional data gathering and analysis."
The block CB-ONN-2003/1 is located at a distance of about 130 kms from Ahmedabad in Gujarat, in the Cambay Basin. The block covers an area of 635-sq km in two parts -- Part A and Part B.
RIL, as operator, holds 100 per cent interest in the block. It had won the block in the fifth round of auction under the New Exploration Licencing Policy P). While the entire block was covered with 2D seismic, about 80 per cent of the block area has 3D seismic coverage.
Of the 16 exploratory wells drilled in the block by RIL, so far, 12 are located in Part-A and the remaining 4 in the Part B of the block.
"RIL is continuing further exploratory drilling efforts in the block," the statement said. The well CB10A-T1 was drilled to a total depth of 1500 meters in Part A of the block. "The discovery is significant as this play fairway is expected to open more oil pool areas, leading to better hydrocarbon potential within the block," RIL said, adding "the discovery supplements the understanding of the petroleum system in the Cambay basin in general, and the block in particular."
Based on the interpretation of the acquired 3D seismic campaign in the contract area, RIL has identified several more prospects with upside potential at different stratigraphic levels.