Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy on Monday directed officials to expedite setting up of at least 2,000 Rajiv Internet Villages by the end of this year.
The chief minister gave this direction during a high-level meeting to review the projects of A P Technology Services Limited, sources said.
The IT Secretary C K Ratna Prabha informed the chief minister that the A P Boardband project, aimed at creating a backbone of internet connectivity, was proceeding at a brisk pace.
The managing director of APTS, Praveen Kumar, made a detailed presentation on the activities of the state-owned company and various e-governance projects being handled by it --
electronic photo identity cards, high security number plates for vehicles, A P broadband and A P state wide area network.
The chief minister said all the delivery service channels undertaken in e-Seva and Rajiv Internet Villages (RAJiv) Centres be brought under one single programme.
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